Hiring help with home decor - 5 common fears and how to manage them

You’ve decided your home decor needs a bit of an update, a spring makeover perhaps.

You just don’t have the flair or the time to do it.

You’re thinking about hiring an interior designer or maybe some sort of home decor consultation service to delegate the job to but you have all these nagging fears. The dreaded ‘What if’s’ and it’s stopping you from moving on and getting it done.

I get it. I'm honestly exactly the same when it comes to hiring any type of tradesman (or woman!) to do anything in my home. We want to make good decisions but our fears can prevent us from even taking that first step.

Let’s take a look at what might be going through your mind. What are the most common areas of concern for people considering hiring someone to carry out a project in their home. More importantly, how can we address and overcome them.

Related content: No time for a spring decor update? 5 ridiculously quick refresh ideas.

Concern #1 Contacting someone then changing your mind

For many people this is their first barrier. They’re worried that once they take that first step there’s no turning back. They're committed. They'll be hounded by that person for their business forevermore. Or maybe there's concern that if you say 'no thanks' you'll somehow offend the person offering the service.

Let me reassure you that any professional person providing a reputable service should be very happy to deal with your initial enquiry, answer all your questions, without any obligation whatsoever. 

The initial contact stage is as much about the person providing the service trying to work out if they are a good fit for you as it is the other way round. 

If it never goes beyond that first email, call, visit, there are no hard feelings - honest.  

Kind of like a first date that just didn’t work out. You’re not committing to marrying someone just by meeting them for a coffee and a chat.

Concern #2 The cost

There are a couple of main fears around cost.

  • That the service will be way out of your price range. You’ve got to ask to find out though right? You might be pleasantly surprised! Is there an indication of cost on their website? If it turns out to be too expensive then you just haven’t found the solution that best fits your needs, that’s all. Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs….
  • That there will be hidden costs. My advice? Be clear and honest about this concern before you hire someone. Ask if they’re able to give you a firm quote or will it be an estimate? Some jobs are easier to give a firm quote on than others but even if it's an estimate you should be able to discuss what the influencing factors are and what the worst case scenario would be.

Related content: Looking for discount decor? 5 things to consider before you buy.

Concern #3 You don’t like the end result

Like any relationship it’s all about communication. There really should be no surprises. Don’t let yourself be talked into anything you’re really resistant to unless there’s an easy (and previously discussed) fix if you hate it. 

For example - Your decorator might persuade you to use a very expensive, ultra-bold print wallpaper which, once it's up, you really can’t live with. Expensive & time-consuming fix required. 

Your decor stylist might suggest really whacky print cushions for your sofa. Nope, you just don’t like them. Easy to switch out for something you do like and you’ll only pay for the ones you keep. 

Related content: How to avoid spoiling your room decor - 5 common lighting mistakes.

Concern #4 Ability to trust the person you’re hiring

This is a biggie. Do your research. The majority of service providers today will have a strong online presence making it really easy to check them out and decide if they seem like the sort of person you feel comfortable with, the kind of business you want to work with. 

You can tell a lot about someone by watching them online - and I don’t mean in a freaky stalker-ish way either!

Check out their website - Is it regularly updated? Does the person behind the business have a strong presence on the site? Do you get a feel for their values from what they have to say on there? (Yes, it's definitely a bit like online dating!)

Check out their social media presence - Are they on Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Follow them, like their page, engage with them. Do they answer customer queries? Interact with their followers? What sort of posts do they share?

Do they have reviews or testimonials online? These are valuable but you shouldn't base your whole decision to hire someone or not based purely on online reviews. A business with only a couple or none listed yet, might be offering a brand new service. They might be perfect for you but just haven’t had a ton of reviews yet! Equally, some businesses appear to have loads of reviews and yet nothing else about them quite floats your boat. 

Reach out, engage with them. Form your own opinion.

Invite your best mate to join you for that ‘first date’. What’s their impression?

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Concern #5 Control

Concerns about not being in control can come up whenever we delegate any type of task. It can cover all of the areas we’ve already looked at, but particularly in the areas of cost and creative process.

You’ve really got to remember the main reason/s why you’re delegating this task in the first place. Why are you not the right person to carry out this project right now? 

No time? Lack the skills? Combination of both?

Keep the end goal in site and remind yourself why you’re getting help with this. 

Worry that you'll feel out of control doesn’t have to be a barrier to taking that first step. After all, remind yourself that this is not an arranged marriage - you do have choices and get a lot of say in the matter!


It was Benjamin Franklin who famously said ‘In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.’ 

Everything else needs a little bit of faith. It doesn’t have to be blind faith though. 

  • Do your homework. 
  • Explore your options. 
  • Make enquiries. 
  • Ask lots of questions.
  • Be clear about budget.
  • Communicate at all stages. 

Acknowledging your concerns, addressing them but not allowing them to overwhelm you will let you get on and take the first step towards hiring the right person for the job.

So go on, pick up the phone, write that email enquiry, search Facebook for that business you want to check out. Every journey begins with that first step.

Good luck with your next home decor project!

Check out my Home Decor Consultation Service. Maybe it could be the start of a beautiful relationship!

Written by Lynn McMurray

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